Study abroad courses can change your life in the best way. It is an incredible experience that offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal and academic growth. However, like any significant life experience, it is not without its challenges and potential regrets.
In this MSM Unify, blog post, we will explore eight common regrets among study-abroad graduates.
- Not Fully Immersing in the Local Culture:
One of the biggest regrets for study-abroad graduates is not fully immersing themselves in the local culture. It is all too easy to stick with other international students or spend time solely with fellow countrymen. By doing so, students miss out on the chance to truly engage with the local community, learn the language, and develop a deeper understanding of the host country’s customs and traditions.
- Not Traveling and Exploring Enough:
Another common regret is not taking full advantage of the opportunity to travel and explore the host country and the surrounding regions. Studying abroad provides a unique chance to visit famous attractions, experience new cuisines, and witness breathtaking landscapes. Many graduates wish they had made more time for exploration and adventure during their time abroad.
- Not Developing Strong Relationships with Local Students:
Building relationships with local students can be challenging while studying abroad, but it is often worth the effort. Students who fail to connect with their peers from the host country miss out on valuable networking opportunities, cultural insights, and lasting friendships. They may return home with a sense of missed connection and a feeling of not fully integrating into the local community.
- Not Taking Advantage of Career Development Opportunities:
Study abroad programs often provide excellent career development opportunities, such as internships, part-time jobs, or networking events. Those who do not actively seek out and seize these opportunities may later regret not leveraging their time abroad to enhance their professional development and future career prospects.
- Not Maintaining Relationships with Other Study Abroad Students:
Study abroad experiences foster deep and meaningful connections between students from all over the world. Many graduates regret not making a stronger effort to maintain these relationships once they return home. These connections can lead to lifelong friendships, international job opportunities, and a global network of like-minded individuals.
- Not Documenting the Experience:
Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and many graduates regret not documenting it properly. Whether through photography, journaling, or blogging, capturing memories and experiences can be a source of joy and reflection in the years to come. By documenting their journey, graduates may find it easier to remember and appreciate the details of their time abroad.
- Not Seeking Help for Homesickness or Emotional Challenges:
According to UNESCO, 1 million overseas students studied in the United States in 2019. 92% of these students say they miss the familiarities of home while studying abroad, with 57% indicating it is the sensory experience they miss the most and 74% mentioning the sounds of their hometown. Some graduates regret not seeking help or support during difficult times. It is important to remember that there are resources available, such as counseling services or support groups, that can help students navigate these emotional challenges and make the most of their study abroad experience.
- Not Making the Most of Academic Opportunities:
Finally, some graduates regret not fully engaging in their academic studies while overseas. It can be tempting to prioritize travel and exploration, but neglecting academic responsibilities can lead to missed learning opportunities and a less-than-optimal academic experience. Graduates often wish they had balanced their academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities better.
In conclusion, studying abroad is an incredible opportunity that can bring immense personal and academic growth. However, it is not without its potential regrets. By fully immersing in the local culture, traveling and exploring, building relationships, seizing career development opportunities, maintaining connections, documenting the experience, seeking help when needed, and prioritizing academic growth, overseas education graduates can make the most of their time overseas and minimize the chances of any future regrets.